Day 348: "What don't you do?"

I love being productive, and I am most productive at night. After dinner yesterday, I came home and hammered out another Latin passage and set of questions by lamplight (it was the first night in a long time that Priya was in bed before me). I triumphantly sent the complete test to Mr. Williams at 1:33am before forcing myself to sleep (all I wanted to do was work).

I woke up equally academically enthused. After a breakfast of watermelon and coffee, I jumped back into JCL and got to work writing certamen questions for Mr. Chang. Priya and I had a "Latin date," sitting at the dining table together with me working on Level I questions as she reviewed advanced derivatives. A hilarious moment came when she leaned over, looked condescendingly at the wonderfully simple three-word Latin sentence I was writing, and said, "I'm so proud of you, Ratna."

We took a break from this enchanting sister bonding time to go crazy over an unbelievably tasty lunch made for us by Nani. We spent the entirety of the meal raving about the fresh rice and lentils Nani had whipped up for us. For dessert, I had more rice.

Having taken a nice break, I returned to my task, completing my certamen question writing assignment in time to reward myself with some VarleTime.

Patrick and I waited for Nizar at Panera for no less than an hour, an hour during which I revealed that I, for some odd reason, remember the novel Disgrace in far too much detail (not like it's been two years or anything). Varlet #1 finally arrived though, and brought with him his hilarious cousin Karim/Waseem. The three greatly enjoyed our coffee, talking down to me as they talked up my sister (as per usual). Highlights of the night included my huge ego, and group field trips to the bathroom.

I'm back home now and preparing for dinner with Tia, Taj, and . . . Puppy Bhua!


  1. Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee?

    1. Indeed! We read it senior year and I wrote a really fun essay on it. "Fun" being a term applied VERY loosely, of course.


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