Día 300: I like to remember.

I woke up this morning and read about joy in The Power of Now. I then found some joy right away by catching up with my little sis via Skype, swamping her with stories about the last few days as she flaunted her new flute books (again).

I was actually able to eat today, and I happily sucked down some chicken noodle soup this afternoon before meditating at length. I then spent some time convincing my favorite friend to come to National Latin Convention this summer -- I think I was successful!

After some more sleep, I took a very musical shower and enjoyed some "Indian" herbal tea in preparation for my much-anticipated event of the day -- dinner with my colleagues! (Oh, and dad.)

Our dinner was absolutely wonderful, a perfect blend of jocular complaining about my lacking work ethic and more "serious" conversation about our family backgrounds and the story of Gyaan Ghar.

After tonight, Papa finally realizes exactly what I mean when I talk about how blessed I am with the friends I've made here at TNC. As Diana said, "nací con estrellita" -- I was born under a star. :)


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