Din 181: This year means too many goodbyes.

I got up this morning to some unappetizing coffee and gave my sister a Skype sermon on doing what she loves and loving what she does. Then, I went outside with Dadi and photographed some flora. To see what I saw, click here.

I sent a few Gyaan Ghar administrative emails before the students started to arrive (they were dismissed early from school). Today's class had a lot of highlights, but the one that filled me with the most glee was  playing Certamen (in English) with the older students! Click here to read all about it.

After class (which went pretty late), I worked some more on the painting I started on Day 171, the blessed day when I met Sonal. I managed not to make as much of a mess today, and I think I'm almost done! I'll post a photograph tomorrow.

Thank you, God, for all you have given me, and good night, all.


P.S. Mama just made me a pinboard on Pinterest.com -- it's so wonderfully random! Click here to check it out.


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