Din 174: Are my senses becoming greedy?

I woke to a delightful email from Varlet #0 (PSang) today -- he loves Harvard! He has been visiting colleges this weekend and I am so pleased to know that he likes my school. Hopefully we will end up there together . . .

I was psyched to spend today with Sonal and thus a bit thrown off when Ruby Chachu's alleged "Pedicure Prodigy" walked in -- apparently I had some sort of appointment this morning. So my soul sis watched me wince as some dude fixed my feet. A fantastic experience for us both, to be sure.

Gosh, what gorgeous glasses she has . . .

When my peds were perfect, we popped the film Rockstar into the DVD player. Oh my goodness, drop whatever you are doing and watch this movie right now -- but only if you are willing to bawl for the next four days straight. If I could be any more enamored of Ranbir Kapoor than I already was, this film did it for me. His acting defies description. The movie's editing is genius. And the plot is to die for. Dadi likened the story to Heer Ranjha, a classical Punjabi tragedy. I just wept. Sonal was amused ("Tu toh paagal ho gayi hai iss film par!" -- "This film has made you crazy!") and very happy that I loooved it.

In the afternoon, I introduced "Sonal Didi" to my Gyaan Ghar students before she had to go (but not without another photo shoot!).

The silly geese in grey.

Click here to read about today's class, full of mispronunciations of "goose" and giggles galore.

After our running around, I was just a little bit wiped out. I put all my technology (well, most) away for a few minutes and shut my eyes, before calling up Nanaji and Nani and having nice chats with them both. I then hand-laundered some clothes, and Dadi and I just finished Skyping with Mama over dinner, and I'm now waiting to talk to the aforementioned Varlet.

I also got the great news today that Nora Okoth will be interning at Sasha Bruce for her senior project. Since SBY is probably my favorite organization in the world, I couldn't be more thrilled! She will be able to give them so much, and learn even more -- I'm so happy for her.

And so I sign off, content and still in awe of Ranbir Kapoor, the Rockstar.


Quote of the day:

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.

I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”

-- Jalal Ad-Din Rumi


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