Din 172: Parse me.

Gyaan Ghar students had today off in honor of Shivratri, so I arose at leisure to a gift of mustard flowers from Uncle Ruby.

After breakfast, I picked up The Story of Philosophy. The following few sentences in particular caught my attention, so I read them to Ruby Chachu:

In politics, as in love, it does not do to give one's self wholly; one should at all times give, but at no time all. Gratitude is nourished with expectation.

This selection sparked a conversation which started in psychology and ended in ethics (and movies, of course). What do you all think of it?

For lunch, my soul sister Sonal came over! We ate with Dadi and Ruby Chachu (over a discussion of friends and friendship) and then headed out to MBD Mall. We chatted for a while before we were joined by Sonal's very sweet best friend. The three of us settled in at The Chocolate Box, a cozy coffee shop, for some afternoon "chai tea" (pleonasm).

After we had downed our respective caffeinated beverages and a "milky" pastry, Sonal and I pestered her bro into conducting what was basically a full-fledged photo shoot for us in the lounge. (This probably sounds familiar to my Varlets.) We're lucky he's a sport or he would have gotten very sick of our vanity and perfectionism!

When he left, Sonal and I did some window shopping, during which we discovered that we have a favorite song in common (check it out below). We then headed home and I made a "concession" for her -- reactivated my Facebook account for the day to friend her and be tag-able in our photos. I'll disappear again tonight, but Laura's and my 100 Days Without Facebook initiative concludes on the 6th of March, so I'll be back soon!

After Sonal had taken my leave (not without plans to meet again as soon as possible), I spent a few minutes tidying my room and then watched the evening prayer ceremony at the Golden Temple on television with Dadi.

While preparing this post, I've been catching up with my girl "Kate." It's dinner time, so I'm out, having thanked God for the wonderful friends with whom I have been blessed.


Song of the day: http://youtu.be/c80A4gj_gp8


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