Din 167: Sometimes, I sing instead of praying.

Thank you to my "valentines" for the twinkling messages that graced my inbox and phone today!

Nani, Nanaji, and I shared one last glass of kinnow juice this morning, not without the company of Princess Blood Pressure, pictured posing below.

After our luggage had been loaded (along with 300 kinnows to be distributed to our friends and neighbors), we said "sat sri akal" to Nanaji and Chief Dhani and hit the road for Ludhiana.

60 New Lajpat Nagar welcomed us just in time for lunch and a shower before bidding Nani farewell and dropping in at Gyaan Ghar. Click here to read about my meeting with the learning center's teachers today.

I returned downstairs to find Dolly Auntie, who had dropped in for a visit! I filled her in on my gap year and got to hear what Leenu is up to.

Since she left, I've been working on updating the Gyaan Ghar website. I strongly encourage you all to peruse the site, bookmark it (http://gyaanghar.blogspot.com/), and share it with all your friends! The more support, input, and love we can get, the better it is for all our students!

Having Priya-Skyped and Daniel-texted, I'm definitely ready for bed. Can't wait for class tomorrow!


Props to my bro Nizar Zahed for his acceptance to Purdue University! (If he keeps up the great work, I may even have to stop calling him "Varlet.")


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