Din 169: This country is art.

I woke up this morning because I wanted to. Not because my alarm rang. Not because there was someone knocking at my door. Not because I was late for something. But because I wanted to.

I was greeted by a slew of welcome messages: Mr. Philip and I are collaborating on a project to donate old Flint Hill textbooks to our learning center here, while Mr. Abraham and I are working to start a Pen Pal program between students of The Newton School and Gyaan Ghar. I had written to them both last night (way past my bedtime) and was pleased to find responses from them both this morning. In addition, I heard that the donor I approached yesterday shared my proposal with her team -- progress!

Jessie also wrote to me with some advice I had requested on a very creative and bubbly student who unfortunately had to be dismissed from Gyaan Ghar because of his disruptive effect on the other students. I would like to give him some individual attention so he can hopefully come back to class, and wanted Jessie's input on how to proceed. It's always great to hear from my sis!

Over breakfast, Dadi and I planned a meeting for the Gyaan Ghar Executive Board, and called a few of the members to update the contact information we have on file for them.

Next, I started Varsity Latin, a soon-to-be-published novel by our very own teacher and friend Kate Hattemer! After reading the first few pages (which completely brought back vivid memories from this summer's Certamen finals), I wrote a few Latin language questions of my own for the upcoming Harvard Certamen.

We then got ready and embarked on an adventure to a nursing home for underprivileged senior citizens. We delivered our donation of quilts there and then took a tour of the facilities. Elderly citizens whose families cannot support them receive lodging and food through this program, free of cost.

On the way home, we stopped at a colorful stand to get some fruit.

We arrived just as students were pouring through our front gate. To read about today's Gyaan Ghar class, click here. Manisha told me after class that she had prayed last night for her best friend Sapna to come back from her village (where she had been for a month), and today, her friend returned! Just goes to show that Manisha's philosophy is very powerful.

Just as my last students were leaving, Ruby Chachu arrived home from Delhi! He had made a detour to Chandigarh yesterday, and, upon arriving, gave me a package Nani had sent for me. She called just as I opened it, and I was able to give her a million thanks for the beautiful clothes and delicious snacks she had packed for me!

After I had tried on my new salwar-kameezes, Dadi, Ruby Chachu, Bawa Uncle, and I settled in for chai and potato cutlets. We now sit chatting as we prepare to eat dinner.


Quotation of the day: “Play with a small child as you played when you were a child. Talk with an elderly person remembering that one day you will be like that. Communicate with a person of your age group like you are his or her best friend.” -- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


  1. How do I get hold of this 'soon to be published novel?'


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