Din 176: I need to learn to be where I am.

I woke after a good night's sleep to an assignment from Ruby Chachu -- memorize as many headlines as possible from The Times of India, as a retention exercise. I spent a few hours studying for this and still could only recite about 25 percent, I think. This is in part due to the fact that my brain could not retain any headline which related to sports or had a number in it (no surprise there). So this reduced my "bank" quite a bit.

After my quiz, Chachu explained a few of the articles to me and educated me on the art, economy, and social stratification of India. I then got a call from Sonal, the sister of my soul, who decided to start a blog today! We talked a bit about how to set one up, and behold -- click here to see her new web log and become a follower. Soon after this, it was time for lunch and class.

To read about the games taught to me by the students today, and how they laughed and made me happy, click here. After class, I compiled a list of our students and paired the names up with students of The Newton School based on age and gender, so that we can start preparing our letters for them, and vice versa!

Before dinner, I got started on some improvements to the Gyaan Ghar website, which I just finished up. I'm a sleepy zombie right now, so I better get some rest!


Quote of the day: "I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy." -- Rabindranath Tagore


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