Din 154: She loves everybody.

Today commenced (39 minutes earlier than my alarm clock had accounted for) with a phone call from my Princess Priya. We had a nice sister-to-sister chat before Nani presented me with some French toast to chow on for breakfast.

I then got ready, and while I waited for Nani to do the same, read my 154th and final Shakespearean sonnet! What an auspicious day. To be honest, though, I started reading the sonnets with the same wide-eyed wonder and reverent respect Shakespeare always evokes in me -- but they are actually rather plain, especially in comparison with his mind-blowing plays. I would say your time would be much better spent on a drama (ahem, Hamlet) by the Bard.

With my reading completed, Nani and I went to her monthly Kitty Party. This is a common type of social gathering in India where women come together to catch up, eat, and play Tambola (which, yes, is basically the same thing as Bingo). We sat in silence (except for a symphony of cell phone sounds), concentrated on the game, but I unfortunately only won one prize. Bummer, right?

When we were almost home, Nani had a stroke of brilliance -- she called up her friend Pooni Auntie and discovered that their family had wireless internet! Hallelujah!! This allowed me to post my entries for days 150 to 153, a huge relief to my heart, no doubt. At our neighbors’ house, I really enjoyed meeting Pooni Auntie’s grandson Param. We talked of the college admission process (of course) and my gap year (surprise!) as well as ways in which one is able to tell I’ve been to India before (that one’s a first).

We sped home from their house for a quick “business meeting” with the Airtel representative who will be installing our wireless router tomorrow. I can’t imagine a more picturesque location for a meeting.

From there it was back to Pooni Auntie’s again to finish up my posting (and hear from Param how ridiculously cheerful/enthusiastic I am) before leaving. We then took the world’s scariest dog, Toy (a.k.a. Sher Khan), for a walk.

In the evening, we paid our neighbor Brigadier Jagir Singh a visit before enjoying our daily stroll in the park. Here, one of Nani’s friends asked me for tips on teaching her granddaughter, who lives in Canada, to speak in Hindi and Punjabi. I learned to do so by staying here in India with Nani for three months at the age of two-and-a-half, so that was the best technique I could recommend!

I’ve now had a hot dinner with Nani and a warm phone call with Nanaji, and am ready for Hindi serials, Greek philosophy, Latin translation, and bed.


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