Din 159: Every day is an Ingrid day.

I have spent the last week sleeping off four years’ worth of fatigue.

I arose a bit before noon today, and enjoyed, along with my brunch, a conversation with our housekeeper. Kamla Auntie asked the most incisive questions about my gap year, including just what it feels like to now be a year “behind” my former classmates. (For the sake of this post, I’ll overlook the subsequent interrogation about why I’ve cut my hair so short.)

I listened to my favorite Ingrid Michaelson playlist as I got ready, and it seems my music player has learned to read my mind -- the song I was thinking of always played next.

In the afternoon, Nani lay in the sun as I read more about Aristotle.

I paused for a run around the house with Begum, who is a terrific tour guide when it comes to all the smelliest spots. (Rock on, compost heap!)

Later, I went to our neighbors’ house to post Days 154 through 158. What with the number of photos to upload and the lovely interruptions from Miss Priya, this ended up taking almost two hours.

When I finished, it was time for our walk in the park, during which Param harangued the Airtel folks about our wireless connection (lack thereof) while I admired tonight’s full moon.

Now done with dinner and our custom serials, I am ready for a dose of Ovid before bed.


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