Day 94: “I like talking to you instead of sleeping.”

After reading Sonnet 94 this morning, I watched two really interesting (and short!) videos on YouTube.

The first, "200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes," tracks changes in the quality of life in, well, 200 countries over the last 200 years. Hans Rosling has an awesome way of displaying statistics, and this video especially uses really cool technology to make his points. Definitely worth a watch.

The next is called "Feast or Famine?" and lays out the basics of the world food crisis. I actually liked this three-minute flick even more than the first, as I think it does a really good job of succinctly and accessibly presenting an issue that will be a major challenge for our generation.

In the afternoon, I went to the "Pope Family Studio" to record a holiday song with Melvin Taylor. While setting up, I learned that Melvin has performed with B.B. King, Carlos Santana, and Etta James! Boy, was I honored to be singing with him today!! In the spirit of the season, we recorded a Christmas carol -- I hope you all enjoy our video.

Back home, while attempting to circumvent Laura's mercurial French internet connection, I wrote her my daily letter. I then read a bit of The Lost Symbol before we went out to dinner in honor of Nani's last night in the States.

We have all enjoyed her company immensely on this trip, and greatly look forward to her next one!


  1. Only watch the one I'm in!! Far more educational, to be sure. =)


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