Day 116: Every second is a highlight.

4:39 PM -- I currently wait at Hair Pair as my bro KenChen gets his hair cut.

After breakfast with Mama and my daily reading of William and Publius this morning, Kenneson and I went to Chipotle for lunch and a debrief on the various vicissitudes of our lives. It was great to have an opportunity to just talk, and of course enjoy our usual warbling wordplay.

We then drove into Vienna for haircuts, and when we learned we'd have to wait about an hour, we chilled in the car and poured out our minds some more. During this conversation, we learned that we are both the same Myers-Briggs personality type, and found an eerily accurate description of our respective temperaments which accurately and ironically explains many of our recent experiences. As our appointment time approached, we took "before" shots of our hair for posterity!

7:23 PM -- Priya and I are now recording a song for Jessie Conradi in our basement.

After KC and I belted out some horrific harmonies in his car, we came home and Priya took our post-haircut photo for us. (Vote on the right as to whether you like mine -- the aforementioned video is the best place to get a real sense of how it looks.)

I am happy to report that my hair is still slightly longer than Kenneson's!

9:29 PM -- I finish this post while talking to Varlet #1 online as Mama walks on the treadmill.

After we recorded, Priya and I worked out (I love not needing to put my hair in a ponytail) and then stuffed our faces with pizza (oops). I sent a message to some of my ex-Facebook friends requesting them to like my mom's Vienna Community page before coming downstairs. After I sign off, Mama has promised to tell me some stories about her recent trip to Bolivia and Peru. ¡Chao!


  1. YOUR HAIR!!! It keeps getting shorter, I LOVE IT!

  2. I <3 Kenny's sweater - and your hair looks FANTASTIC! I wish mine wasn't so hermione-ish when it's short, I would totally copy you!


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