Day 104: That'll be the day when I have no words.

Today was the day of a very exciting "final project" for me at Sasha Bruce -- coordinating a visit from the World Bank's team for Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). This group of volunteers (which included my dad) worked at the main Sasha Bruce office as well as REACH, the group home for boys in the juvenile justice system. (Huge thanks to Volunteer Coordinator Renee Forrester for helping me put this all together!)

At the main office, volunteers organized donations in six separate storage spaces -- for men's clothing, women's clothing, children's clothing, sports clothing, shoes, and toys.

At REACH, team members "transformed the front yard" and cleaned bathrooms (this last task became a bit competitive when Papa and Ramon had a bathroom-cleaning battle).

After a few hours of this, Executive Director Debby Shore paid our group a visit. It was great to hear the group's questions, and to see how grateful Debby was for their volunteering efforts. I am so glad she was able to stop by! I have heard nothing but good feedback from the World Bank team, and am thrilled that they enjoyed their time here at my favorite organization!

When their day of volunteering was over, I had lunch with part of the team, before attending an interesting meeting. The boys who work with YouthBuild, SBY's program for vocational training in carpentry, were meeting with an interior designer to plan the renovation of the staff conference room. It was cool to hear their vision for the room and watch how they interacted with the designer. A lot of them were surprised that a girl their age (me) was an intern at Sasha Bruce!

After this meeting, Renee introduced me to a frozen yogurt place called 32 Below. Utterly satiated, I curled up for a nap on the floor of her office. Ginny walked in, spotted me, and immediately gave me the key to her office, where she has the world's most comfortable couch.

Well-rested after my nap, I walked up the street to Banana Cafe with a group of colleagues for a Sasha Bruce holiday staff party. Karaoke, dancing, and typical crazy Sasha Bruce behavior made for a great night.

Home at last, I got to catch up with my old friend Louis and read Sonnet 104 before writing this post and putting out the lights.


College shout-out: Mad props to my frisbro HENRY ARNDT for being accepted by Dartmouth University!!

And a prayer for my sister Aimee Marich, wishing her a speedy recovery from her recent hip surgery!


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