Day 100: And the world knows not how we are grieving.

Gap Day 100 came to a slow start as I arose quite late, read my 100th Shakespearean sonnet, and then worked on some maintenance for the Gyaan Ghar website, including the addition of a button for online donation.

In the afternoon, I set out for Flint Hill with the world's worst migraine, thinking seeing some of my favorite people may alleviate the pain in my head. I was just in time to catch up with the beautiful Jess Rush and do some Calculus with my bros P-Sang and Zane.

Zane does his best to outsmart Patty in a math problem -- I, of course, am useless at math and was no help at all!
After this mathfest, Patrick and I headed to the Classics Club's annual Saturnalia celebration! Since this winter holiday of the Romans was all about tomfoolery, club members exchanged some amusing gag gifts at the start of the festivities. Most exciting (and embarrassing for him) was the classical scavenger hunt on which Nizar had to embark to retrieve the gift Mr. Andino had picked for him.

Not lacking in chagrin, Nizar looks up from yet another cryptic Latinate clue.
Since Roman slaves switched places with their masters on Saturnalia, Flint Hill students assume the role of teachers as part of our celebration. Most notable today were Dale's lesson on trolling (leave my blog alone!) and Jackson's demonstration of how to approximate a Latin translation without being "actually smart like Patrick or Ratna." Both lessons were side-splittingly hilarious.

"Munitionibus perfectis, imperatum est militibus ut domum redirent. -- Perfect fortifications commanded with the soldiers to return to the house."
Post-party, the Certamen players who remained participated in a few heated rounds of questions read by Mr. Sanguineti. The Chang-Andino rivalry was at its fiercest, and students thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Andino's tendency to cheat while Mr. Chang was the picture of sportsmanship (can you guess whose team I was on?).

After I returned home and started this post, I received the most wonderful news from Ryan Ackerman -- he's been accepted at his top choice, Washington University! Ryan is an amazingly hard worker and a stellar person, and he couldn't deserve this more. ENJOY it, Ryan!! Bask a little bit. :)

Well, it turns out my head is still splitting (but it's happier now with Ryan's news), so I'm going to get as much sleep as possible tonight. Cheers for Day 100!


Song of the day (my favorite choir song of all time):


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