Divas 200: I left my smile on the counter.

Today started with a blood test. (All normal, but I'm supposed to eat more sugar -- I can certainly do that!)

After this, I read the next section of The Power of Now and a page of Ars Amatoria.

Before getting ready, I chatted with my cousin Nayaz on Skype. It's been ages since we caught up, and it was good to finally hear about the latest and greatest in her life, and fun to be told that I "look like an underachiever" and "shouldn't have gotten a hairchop." Thanks, Naazoo!

This morning, I had a meeting with Dr. Sneha Pulnitkar, the Director of the All India Institute of Local Self-Government. She gave me an overview of the challenges of urbanization, and some insight into the 22 projects her organization is currently implementing and monitoring in the fields of infrastructure development, poverty elevation, and governance.

While there, I also read parts of the latest Mumbai Human Development Report -- the chapters on Gender, Elementary Education, and Slums.

This reading, particularly the first two chapters, of course made me think of my girl students at Gyaan Ghar.

Thus, upon returning home, I drafted a letter to my close friend Sonal Chawla, requesting that she do some activities and therapy work with the girls as part of our Sisters' Circle initiative, even in my absence.

I then passed out for three hours (as usual) and woke to Skype with Priya as she received the presents I sent for her from India. I also spent this time watching her play games on her cell phone and teaching her to plunge a toilet.

Additionally, she said she was proud of me (for the first time ever) when she saw a sketch I had done of an Indian outfit I am planning to have tailored. Score!

It's time for dinner now, and then planning for my penultimate day of garrulousness!


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