Divas 199: I am here.

This morning, Papa and I visited Dadar to pick up some kitchen utensils for Mama. On our way home, we dropped by Westside again and I grabbed some surprise gifts for a friend back home.

After lunch, we bid Papa "tout a l'heure" and I caught up with my girl Sonal at length before catching some Zs. 

I woke to yummy snacks and my sister. Though she ignored me and made me talk to her Certamen trophy at times, we finally got to chat for a good long time. I'm so proud of her Latin and running skillz. :)

I then settled in with The Power of Now, a life-changing book of which Gaikwad Uncle is a huge proponent. It is advised that the tome be read a few pages at a time, so I started to do just that.

As India beat Pakistan in a cricket match, Auntie and I watched Dance India Dance -- sorry for not being patriotic enough, but this show really impressed me!

I feel laziness starting to seep into my psyche, so I think my meditation course couldn't be better timed! Click here to see what my vastly different schedule will be like in two days' time.

I'm peacing out for tonight -- until tomorrow!


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