Divas 193: "I like everything."

Gaikwad Uncle, Papa, and I left the house early this morning for a meeting at Mantralay on Skill Development. Because India's population pyramid has a significant youth bulge, it is important for these young people to develop skills to improve their employability and competitiveness in the global market. This meeting was not as informative for me as the one I attended on Day 190, but my key takeaways were the paramount importance of primary education (Go Gyaan Ghar!) and the need to consider concrete vocational training when designing a state's school's curricula.

For lunch, Papa and I visited Gokhale Nanaji and Nani. (I was told how much I look, sound, and act like my mom for the entire meal.) It was lovely to catch up with them and hear all about their children and grandchildren, and I look forward to spending a few days with them at the beginning of April!

In the afternoon, we went to the super pleasant Palladium Mall for coffee with Nitin Uncle, who is basically Papa's little brother. Uncle is so sweet! I think that's the best word for his warmth, affection, and genuinely golden conscience.

We had a fun time hearing about his amazingly talented kids Tanvi and Saarish. He also shared with us that Kavita Auntie designed the bronze statue on Chowpatty Beach, about which I had been reading just yesterday! So cool.

I worked out upon arriving home and we are now watching the Centennial Ceremony for Yashwantrao Chawan being hosted by Uncle at Gateway of India -- but on television at home. Didi just returned from the ICICI Fellows training program for tonight, so we are chilling with her, while enjoying the cultural program going on at the Gateway. Puna bhuteya!


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