Din 242: I want to be bashful.

I was disappointed that I didn't have time to meditate during the day yesterday, but at night, the weather gods sent a majestic monsoon downpour which, coupled with open windows, turned my room into a rainforest. I didn't even have to try to meditate then -- it just happened, and I must have fallen asleep very late and very peaceful.

This peace flew away in the morning when Nanaji's computer decided to reject every single download/upgrade I had installed during my time here. Our new meager goal was that I at least re-install Skype before leaving, no matter how long it took. Thankfully, after one nerve-wracking hour, the job was miraculously done. Nanaji was very amused by the histrionics of stressed Ratna, and asked if I wanted to be an actress. Too late for that. :)

We finally said farewell to Nanaji and hopped in the Inova which would convey us to New Delhi. I am especially happy with how much time I got to spend with my grandparents on this trip, and how well I now feel they know me -- and vice versa.

Nani and I enjoyed an eventful journey to India's capital. We started by noshing on Dominoes spicy chicken pizza and McDonald's new "shake-shake" fries (try them!). Then, I meditated for an hour. But mostly, we just made funny faces in response to the behavior of our insane driver -- who yelled happily away on his phone for most of the ride, but mumbled responses to us whenever we asked him anything. Very peculiar.

After reaching Surinder Auntie's house safely, I read a few pages in The Power of Now and Ars Amatoria and then slept like a log for two hours. Once awake, I demanded some retail therapy, and prepared to unleash my arbitrarily discriminating taste on Promenade Mall nearby (i.e. not buy anything).

Specifically, I was in search of pants -- one pair orange, the other lavender -- to fulfill the requests of two close (odd) friends. I found myself out of luck; we consumed a Cinnabon and returned home.

Once my computer figured out how to connect to the internet, I talked to a very pixelated Laura and started planning our next (inshallah) crazy gap year adventure.

I've had enough of cereals and serials, and I'm ready for lights out!


Song of the day: http://youtu.be/g5sucb2mTAk


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