Din 228: Life is now.

This morning, Nani and I went to Ansal Plaza in hopes of returning a top I had purchased some time ago. Due to the mall’s irksomely shrewd return policies, however, I walked out just as burdened as I had been upon entering. Before leaving, I spied a KFC and had the strangest craving for fried chicken! (Howard Chang influence has spread.) Nani and I enjoyed some hot ‘n’ crispy wings with Pepsi before returning home and, in my case, passing out for the better part of an hour.

After a quick lunch and a few pages of Tolle, it was time to see Nani off. I’ll miss my plural grandma time, but she has promised to come back for our Variety Show on Saturday night! After an exaggerated farewell namaskaram, I bounded up the stairs to Gyaan Ghar. We practiced Anapana (concentrated breathing) for 15 minutes before the students got to work polishing their various dances, songs, poems, and plays for this Saturday.

One interesting skit we are preparing depicts a butterfly and a wasp fighting over a flower -- the moral of the story, of course, is how to resolve a conflict effectively. What’s funny is that two of the three students participating in this item actually tend to quarrel very often! One of them burst into tears today and the other refused to put his arm around the student at whom he is angry. I saw this as a perfect counseling opportunity and touched base with one of the students today to hear her side of the story, and plan to follow up with the other tomorrow -- third grade drama!

After class, I met up with Raina Nilibar, the sweet sophomore I met on Saturday. We hung out at her house and I briefed her and Puneet Auntie on the ins and outs of the American college application process. Let’s be honest, though: this “briefing” was anything but brief. We must have spent a good three hours going over the components of a college application, discussing the admissions office’s assessment process, and identifying areas Raina can develop to maximize her chances of getting into the school of her choice. Of course, I’m no expert, but I shared the details of my “college journey” to the best of my ability. Naturally, I talked too much, leaving Ratna winded and Raina skeptical of Ratna’s sanity. Auntie refreshed me with a yummy medley of “exotic vegetables” with garlic bread for dinner. Mmm . . .

Back home, I’m been bewailing my internet shortage, texting DanKim, and eating more fruit than a juicer. Just another day in the life.


  1. you're not insane hon, you're too sane to be true :p
    and more han anything you are inspirational :D


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