Din 224: I'm more monkey than monk.

This morning, Nani and I went to Westside to grab a few gifts for some great girls back home. On our way out of the store, we met Harpreet Auntie and Gurpreet Auntie, who also live in Sector 27-B. (It seems like everyone in this town knows my Nani!) I had a nice time introducing myself to these lovely ladies, telling them a bit about my adventures this year and hearing about their favorite travel destinations as well.

On the way home, I read a few pages in The Power of Now -- today's selection of this "spiritual guide to enlightenment" was complicated, but also especially useful once I had digested it!

After digesting my lunch as well, I wrote a long novella in response to the short epic of an email I had received from Daniel Kim earlier this morning. I then took a nap before sitting (well, lying down) for my daily meditation. The technique taught by Gotama the Buddha has three parts:

1. Anapana (concentration of one's mind)
2. Vipassana (purification of one's mind)
3. Metta (blessing of others' minds)

This last segment is often the most sublime part of my day. For those five minutes and fifty-four seconds, I do not harbor a hint of hatred for any being on this planet. It's ineffably incredible. Just thought I'd share -- if you are reading this, I sent metta your way today!

Refreshed, I put together a new ad for Gyaan Ghar (click here to see it).

Later in the afternoon, Nani and I took some time to download her favorite songs for her mp3 player. I can neither confirm nor deny that there was a ludicrous amount of dancing involved in this process. We got a bit carried away with our music and our moves, and soon realized it was almost 7! We stepped outside to observe the park's ambulators and ambiance. Back inside after a walk, I now commenced the music-downloading process for Nanaji, though much more successfully than yesterday -- thank goodness!

We then enjoyed a mouth-watering dinner before relaxing on the veranda and watching Toy's endless antics. How can this creature look so innocent between snarls?

Back inside, I taught Nanaji to actually play the music I had downloaded for him, and then sent out the invitations for our annual Gyaan Ghar Variety Show. (This night is usually one of my favorites in the year.)

Since then, I've just been somnolently slouching towards sleep. I really need some rest -- farewell!


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