Diēs LXVI: "You are so much like a flower."

I read Sonnet 66 with P-Sang this morning on the bus to the Classical Cottage Certamen in Boyce, Virginia. We both quite liked it, especially the anaphora (or polysyndeton, if you're Andrew Coffee) of the word "and" -- quite obviously the best part. But here it is, so you all can decide for yourselves.

Once at the Certamen, I had a few minutes to "socialize" with such angels as Grace and Jackie before heading to the moderators' room.

There, I got to see my dear teammate Carolyn Manion again -- and I learned that she had made me a birthday present!! Carolyn gave me a beautiful pair of turquoise and pearl earrings she had crafted herself. I put them on immediately, but soon decided they may be just a bit too fancy for Certamen. So I slipped them back into the box, looking forward to wearing them to a more formal occasion in the future!

The rounds themselves were great. It was fun moderating again and trying to get the kids pumped about Latin. My scorekeeper was very sweet, and the whole time I was reading, I kept getting a nagging feeling that I knew her. In the middle of the 3rd round, it hit me -- she had to be related to my friend Asaph! I controlled the excitement of my hunch until the round was over, at which point I discovered that it had been correct! Meeting the lovely Amy Bashioum was probably the highlight of my day.

After my "official duties" for the day were over, it was time to watch the finals. I watched Flint Hill's upper level team of Niz, P-Sang, Nora, and Jake compete against St. Stephen's St. Agnes (Evan Draaaim) and TJ SciTech. The play was neck-to-neck, but in the end, SSSAS and TJHSST vied for 1st place in "overtime" (i.e. tiebreaker questions were read). Congrats to TJ on their win! After the round, Evan Draim insisted that I post a photo of him on my blog -- he calls it being a fan; I call it liking his appearance. Either way, here you go, Dr. Draim. :) You can pay me later.

After a few more laughs and goodbyes, we were homeward bound -- valete, omnes!


  1. I look demented in that last picture...at least in the first picture I'm ok.


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