Day 72: Lux et Veritas

My first 5 hours today were spent on a train. Having read Sonnet 72 on the way to the station, I spent the ride dozing, daydreaming, and just generally enjoying Amtrak. Highlights of my trip included a lunch made by Nani and packed Mama, and a voicemail from my beautiful brother Kenneson.

At the station, I was greeted by my lovely ginger twin Jane Darby! After dropping my stuff off at Silliman, we spent a few hours wandering around campus and seeing Yale's sights, including Jane's favorite libraries, dining halls, and coffee shops.

We stopped to sample 2 places in this third category, Claire's and Blue State. The former has an impeccable Lithuanian coffee cake (you have to try it to understand why Jane doesn't shut up about it!) and the latter offers yummy tea. Here, Jane worked on some last-minute Certamen edits while I got started on this post.

After a while, we headed back to Union Station to pick up the one and only Ketan Ramakrishnan. Our shuttle ride back to campus was rife with Harvard-Yale debate (I switched sides frequently).

We then headed to Phelps Hall (Yale Classics building) and formatted rounds (i.e. watched YouTube videos) for a bit before stepping out to get sushi.

After sushi, Jane headed back to Phelps as I met up with Laura Benoit, a lovely friend I made last time I visited Yale. We went to Chocologie and discussed her year, my year, and the phenomenon of blogging in great detail -- and then spent much time celebrating the uniqueness of today's date!

We then strolled over to LC (English department building), where we joined Dashell, one of my best friends from high school. The 3 of us walked to Laura's dorm, where we bid her farewell before beginning our traditional Dashell-Ratna gallivanting.
Dashell and I hopped from one eating place to another (i.e. were kicked out of one eating place after the other) before ending up in Dwight Hall, where we are now. Our conversation is amazing and thought-provoking as always (as well as cathartic - hoorah!) and I now sign off to continue it, before returning to "check on" the Classics kids.

Bonam noctem, Yale, and good night, World!


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