My Other Writing Life

Dear Readers,

The year (!) that has passed since graduation has been for me very much a time for self-care -- a time to spend time with self, listen to self, live with self, and reflect and decompress after a stimulating and challenging college career.

As many of you know, one of my responsibilities at Living Cities is to write about what we are learning in our work with cities, and about ourselves as an organization. In this vein, I have written a few pieces for work recently that I would like to share with all of you.

The first is called Radical Self-Care: Four Lessons from Our Meeting with City Leaders in Albuquerque and it describes a wonderful trip that my team took to New Mexico with the seven cities that my project works with most closely. In between group discussion, we re-connected with our work on social change through art and culture.

The next four pieces describe lessons that I learned through searching for a job in the social sector last spring, that I think can be valuable for other students and professionals as well. In one post, I share my process for searching for jobs to apply to and provide advice for young people interested in entering the social change space. In another, I describe the experience I had during my interview process, and follow up with tips for interviewers to make sure they are reflecting their organizational culture positively, as well as interview advice for students to use discussions with potential employers as opportunities to determine whether a firm would be a good fit for them.

All of my posts on the job application process are also available as part of this series called Hiring in the Social Sector.

I hope you all enjoy the fruits of "my other writing life," and I look forward to sharing more soon!



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