My Majestic Mornings

Many of my colleagues ridicule me for being very late to work on a regular basis (daily). They are absolutely right in doing so, but let me tell you, my mornings are majestic.

My alarm rings at 8:00 and I immediately put it off, taking a cursory glance at the day's emails on my phone while doing so. I then pick up The Power of Now and read a section before commencing yoga.

I do a few sun salutations at a relaxed pace while my coffee brews. Today's was hazelnut.

I pop an arepa in the oven as I step into the shower, and it's ready to be drowned in butter when I emerge.

I chomp on this contentedly and down a variety of vitamins while chatting briefly with my sister. Book read, yoga done, shower taken, breakfast eaten, I'm ready for the ten-block walk to work.


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